Module 11: REST API | CMSC 240 Software Systems Development - Spring 2024

Module 11: REST API


Crow API documentation


Install the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension.


Exercise 1:

  1. Review the code in the Module 10 repository.
  2. Edit line 38 of pizzaAPI.cpp. Change the port number 18080 to a unique port number between 15000 and 20000.
     app.port(/* YOUR PORT NUMBER HERE */).run();
  3. Run the make command to build the pizzaAPI.
     $ make
  4. Start the pizzaAPI by running
     $ ./pizzaAPI
  5. Using your web browser go to the following URL. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above in step 2.
  6. What was returned? Enter that into the file in your module 10 GitHub repository.
  7. Using your web browser go to the following URL. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above in step 2.
  8. What was returned? Enter that into the file in your module 10 GitHub repository.

Exercise 2:

  1. Using the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension. Create a new request by clicking the “New Request” button.
  2. Create a new GET request like this one. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above.
  3. Click the “Send” button. Then in the file explain the status and the body of the Response.
  4. In the file explain the code in the pizzaAPI.cpp that made this happen.

Exercise 3:

  1. Using the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension. Create a new request by clicking the “New Request” button.
  2. Create a new GET request like this one. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above.
  3. Click the “Send” button. Then in the file explain the status and the body of the Response.
  4. In the file explain the code in the pizzaAPI.cpp that made this happen.

Exercise 4:

  1. Using the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension. Create a new request by clicking the “New Request” button.
  2. Create a new PUT request like this one. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above. Note: you must also click the Body tab and enter the JSON string shown to modify the topping.
  3. Click the “Send” button. Then in the file explain the status and the body of the Response.
  4. In the file explain the code in the pizzaAPI.cpp that made this happen.

Exercise 5:

  1. Using the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension. Create a new request by clicking the “New Request” button.
  2. Create a new POST request like this one. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above. Note: you must also click the Body tab and enter the JSON string shown to create the new topping.
  3. Click the “Send” button. Then in the file explain the status and the body of the Response.
  4. In the file explain the code in the pizzaAPI.cpp that made this happen.

Exercise 6:

  1. Using the Thunder Client Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code extension. Create a new request by clicking the “New Request” button.
  2. Create a new DELETE request like this one. Except change cs01 to the machine that you are logged into. (no change if you are using cs01). Change the port number 18080 to the port number you selected above.
  3. Click the “Send” button. Then in the file explain the status and the body of the Response.
  4. In the file explain the code in the pizzaAPI.cpp that made this happen.